
Bird Tries to Walk Down the Up Escalator [VIDEO]
Bird Tries to Walk Down the Up Escalator [VIDEO]
Bird Tries to Walk Down the Up Escalator [VIDEO]
Perhaps because birds never really have to use moving staircases, this confused, feathered fellow attempts to walk down the up escalator. The bird winds up going nowhere and thoroughly entertaining the couple who captured it on camera. Watch below:
Paddleboarders Up-Close Encounter With Giant Blue Whale (VIDEO)
Paddleboarders Up-Close Encounter With Giant Blue Whale (VIDEO)
Paddleboarders Up-Close Encounter With Giant Blue Whale (VIDEO)
YIKES!  This would freak me out!  ~Erin Passengers aboard the Manute'a got an eye full recently when an 80-foot blue whale surfaced alongside the boat, stole a breath and revealed its massive backside and fluke. But the best view was enjoyed by a paddleboarder who got breathtakingly close to the great leviathan (see video).
Kobe Update
Kobe Update
Kobe Update
Thank you everyone for the kind words about Kobe!  He is at home and doing well.  The vet removed the mass and stitched him up.  He is pretty sleepy but doesn't seem to be in much pain.  He'll be back out playing fetch and skiing in no time...
375-Pound Shark Jumps Into Fisherman’s Boat [VIDEO]
375-Pound Shark Jumps Into Fisherman’s Boat [VIDEO]
375-Pound Shark Jumps Into Fisherman’s Boat [VIDEO]
Some may say that Texas fisherman Jason Kresse caught a shark, but when the 375-lb. sea creature jumped into his boat early last Monday, it kind of caught him instead. The 29-year-old Freeport resident was out fishing for a red snapper with two coworkers about 50 miles off the Gulf of Mexico coast when they felt something hit the side of the boat. A few seconds later, the mammoth Mako was thrashin