11 Things Montanans Should NEVER Toss in the Trash
Temperatures across Montana are warming up, and you may feel the need to get things cleaned up around your home. In every household, there are certain items that should never be thrown in the trash. Some items are hazardous to our health and the environment. With help from experts, we put together a list of items that you shouldn't throw away.
Things Montanans Should Never Throw in the Trash
Patty Howard, the recycling/outreach educator for the Gallatin Solid Waste Management District, says one of the most important things to keep out of your trash is rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The batteries can be fire hazards and need to be disposed of properly.
Here's How to Dispose of Lithium-Ion Batteries Properly
- Remove the battery from the device.
- If you can't remove the battery, take the device to the Bozeman Convenience Site or the Logan Landfill.
- Never remove batteries that are damaged, cracked, swollen or hot to the touch.
- Place the device or the battery in a plastic zip-top bag or in a box and cover it with kitty litter and take it to Bozeman Convenience Site or to Logan Landfill.
Another item that you should never throw away are electronics. Less than 15% of electronics can be recycled, and they contain toxic materials and heavy metals such as chromium, cadmium and mercury. Electronic devices need to be taken to recycling sites such as Logan Landfill, so that the items can be recycled or they can be refurbished.
For more information about items that you should never throw in the trash, please contact the Logan Landfill or the Bozeman Convenience Site. You can also visit the Gallatin Solid Waste website.
11 Things Montanans Should NEVER Toss in the Trash
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