Little Boy Is Waaaay Too Excited to Get Toilet Paper for Christmas
When it comes to the perfect Christmas gift, don't overthink it.
This young lad is pleased as punch to get toilet paper as a present. Yeah, toilet paper. That means you just know that when he gets another gift, there's a good chance he will be way more excited about the tissue paper packed along with it than the present itself. There's also no chance he'll swap it for a Whopper.
There's an old joke that kids are more interested in the box that a toy comes in than the toy itself. Well, this boy is certainly proving there is something to that.
The good news for his parents: it doesn't take much too make him happy and there's no need to (two) ply him with presents to put a smile on his face. Heck, come double coupon day, he may lose his mind in ecstasy when his mom comes home with a 20-pack of Marcal.