Bozeman Makes Colorful And Uplifting Change In October
Downtown Bozeman is turning pink for the entire month of October to spread awareness for those in our community who are living with breast cancer. Here's how you can get involved and show your support.
Bozeman Going Pink in October For Breast Cancer Awareness
Bozeman will look a little different in October, especially downtown. No, we're not talking about the beautiful Fall colors. Instead, the Downtown Bozeman Association will line Main St. with pink banners. Many of the retailers and restaurants in downtown Bozeman will be adding some pink flair in October, and will give customers an opportunity to show their support for those living with cancer in the Bozeman area.
PNKBZN kicks off on October 1, and several businesses will be offering "PNK Promotions" with funds going towards local organizations that provide resources and support for those in our community affected by cancer. For a list of participating businesses, click here.

Montana State University and Bobcat Athletics are encouraging fans to "Pack the Place in Pink" on October 12 when the MSU Women's Volleyball team faces the University of Idaho Vandals in Schroyer Gymnasium. Dress up in your favorite pink attire and don't miss the first official "PNK Promenade" at the LARK in Bozeman on October 3. The event is scheduled to begin at 4:00 p.m.
The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 950 women in the state of Montana will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022. As of 2018 in the greater Gallatin Valley, approximately one fourth of breast cancers were diagnosed in women under the age of 50. And, while not as common, approximately 2,650 men a year throughout the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer.
October was designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 1985 to raise awareness and gain funding for research for a cure, while elevating education around the importance of annual/early screening.
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