Christmas time has once again come and gone in Montana. If you are ready to bid farewell to that Christmas tree that's been hanging out in your living room (and probably shedding more needles than your pet's fur), let's chat about the best ways to dispose of it. There are several options for disposing of your live Christmas trees so that it can be recycled and put to good use.  

Here are Three Cities in Montana that are turning Christmas Tree Trash into Treasure.

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Helena has become very creative in turning Christmas tree trash to good use. The first option for residents is a recycling service that supports local Scout Troop 214The Scouts will provide a curbside tree pick-up on December 28th, January 4th, and January 11th. The only thing they ask for is a $10 donation, but it is not required.

The second option is for residential waste permit holders to recycle their trees in the green waste area at the Transfer Station. Trees that are dropped off here will be used as fish habitat at Canyon Ferry Reservoir.

credit: Canva
credit: Canva


The annual Yellowstone County Christmas Tree Recycling Program, coordinated by Bright n' Beautiful, starts December 27th - and ends January 19th. All of the material will be distributed across playgrounds, animal habitats, Zoo Montana, Montana Audubon Center, and other locations. They have multiple places where you can drop off your trees, and you can check those out HERE.


The Forestry Division in Bozeman offers a free courtesy recycled Christmas tree service through January. The trees will be composted and used for organic cover at select sites. The Forestry Division does ask that you remove all decorations, DO NOT cut your tree into smaller pieces, and do not bring garlands/wreaths. You can find all the drop-off locations HERE.

Credit: , Bright n' Beautiful , Helena

20 Things You’d Think You Could Recycle In Montana

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

If These Montana Towns Were Dogs, What Breed Would They Be?

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Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf

12 Things You Should NEVER Recycle

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Gallery Credit: Boris



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