Some folks love to complain about tourist traps, but they might serve a purpose you don't realize.

Tourist Traps in America

Several examples come to mind of popular tourist traps in America.

The Space Needle in Seattle, Santa Monica Pier in California, and Las Vegas are typical examples of tourist traps.

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Tourist traps lure visitors to experience these places, typically overrated destinations.

hats on shelf
Photo by Ellis Garvey via Unsplash

Tourist traps are a little different in Montana.

Tourist Traps in Montana

Montana has several places you could consider tourist traps.

Places like Virginia City and the 50,000 Silver Dollar Bar are prime examples of tourist traps in Big Sky Country.

Lincoln's 50,000 Silver Dollar Bar via Facebook
Lincoln's 50,000 Silver Dollar Bar via Facebook

These tourist traps seem fun on paper, but they can be dull.

The Point of Tourist Traps

Most tourist traps might seem to deprive money of hard-working travelers, but they provide a necessary way for local businesses to make money.

Tourist traps help spread out tourism dollars across Montana. It also helps slow down overcrowding at other hot vacation spots.

Photo by Alek Newton via Unsplash
Photo by Alek Newton via Unsplash

Many tourist traps center around small towns that need tourism to help sustain their livelihoods and towns.

I became used to tourist traps when I grew up in Polson. The town's population explodes during the summer because everyone wants to hang out on the lake in the summer.

Several businesses depended on summer travelers to help supplement their lack of winter business.

Havre Beneath The Streets via Facebook
Havre Beneath The Streets via Facebook

We know many locals look down on Montana's tourist traps, but we have so many unique tourist traps that you won't find anywhere else in America. Underground towns, large caves, and discovery centers help educate tourists.

Which tourist trap in Montana is your favorite?

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Gallery Credit: jessejames

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Gallery Credit: Will Gordon

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