The Bozeman City Commission has released a statement regarding a controversial video that has been circulating online. In the video, Bozeman City Manager Jeff Mihelich was recorded talking about a job offer and why he prefers to stay in Bozeman. Mihelich began as Bozeman's City Manager in 2020.

Bozeman City Hall
Montana State University

The video was shared on the social media platform Reddit, and several of the comments are calling for an investigation into the incident. In the video, Mihelich discussed a potential job in Austin, Texas that reportedly pays $500,000, but he didn't want to pursue the opportunity due to the fact that he'll be "vested" in Bozeman.

When a city employee who was also on the call asks "How could you not?" when referring to considering the offer, Mihelich responded with the following.

Well, I could get vested here, and then all I would have to do, Anna, is like just suck it up for five years, and on the fifth year, like the day I'm vested, I'd retire. I really would.

The statement was followed by Mihelish appearing to 'flip-off' the camera.


Bozeman City manager Jeff Mihelich flaunts $500k/yr job offer for Austin TX but can't take it because he is close to having "F you" money from being vested in Bozeman. Jeff came here from out of state in 2020
byu/Baselynes inBozeman

Mihelich also criticized Bozeman Mayor Terry Cunningham in another leaked clip from the video.

The City of Bozeman is not taking the incident lightly. City of Bozeman Communications and Engagement Manager, Takami Clark issued the following statement regarding the video.

All members of the Bozeman City Commission have had a chance to review a video circulating on social media involving a discussion between the Bozeman City Manager and a city employee. The Commission has considerable concern about the content and tone of this video, and we will be holding a special meeting to discuss this subject. As soon as we are able to coordinate a meeting date and time, we will issue an agenda including how the public can participate. We take seriously our charge that all of those in city leadership should model our stated values of professionalism and integrity, and anything that detracts from those values is a disservice to the public.

The incident is currently under investigation and more information will be provided as it becomes available.

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