
Nail Polish That Can Detect Drugs
Nail Polish That Can Detect Drugs
Nail Polish That Can Detect Drugs
Dear women who go to parties: Four college guys have created a nail polish that could save your life. Undercover Colors is a polish that, once in contact with a narcotic, changes color as a warning. The company isn't official yet. It can be, though.
Want to Attract a Date? Be Funny and Playful [POLL]
Want to Attract a Date? Be Funny and Playful [POLL]
Want to Attract a Date? Be Funny and Playful [POLL]
In the classic rom-com ‘When Harry Met Sally…,’ one of the characters quips, “Everybody thinks they have good taste and a sense of humor.” That’s largely true — but a new study discovered that people who actually do have a sense of humor may have a much easier time finding a mate.