
Hero Status: Miniature Rescue By Washington State Firefighter.
Hero Status: Miniature Rescue By Washington State Firefighter.
Hero Status: Miniature Rescue By Washington State Firefighter.
photo credit: AMagill via photopin ccThe Lacey Fire Department was called to a house fire where the family was able to make it out safely but there was still more life inside - baby hamsters. Being the true heroes they are each and every day, the firefighters resorted to the Pet Emergency Pocket Guide and fashioned a tiny oxygen mask to save the hamsters. HOW. CUTE. IS THIS?!?
Firefighter Braves Exploding Car [VIDEO]
Firefighter Braves Exploding Car [VIDEO]
Firefighter Braves Exploding Car [VIDEO]
Cars are far less likely to explode in real life than they are in the movies. But when they do, you certainly don’t want your face anywhere close to the dramatic combustion. The firefighter in this video had no choice on the matter, as he was trying to douse an already flaming car when it exploded right under his chin. Yet through some combination of testicular fortitude and confidence in his flam
Firefighter Races – Hot New Sport? [VIDEOS]
Firefighter Races – Hot New Sport? [VIDEOS]
Firefighter Races – Hot New Sport? [VIDEOS]
Firefighting isn’t just a job — it’s also a sport. Firematic Racing involves firefighters competing against the clock to complete tasks like assembling and climbing a ladder or fitting and shooting a hose. Though the sport is most popular in New York, its reach extends across the pond to Europe, too.