
One Year Ago: Bozeman Kids "Cut Footloose" for Prom
One Year Ago: Bozeman Kids "Cut Footloose" for Prom
One Year Ago: Bozeman Kids "Cut Footloose" for Prom
How many of you were one of those kids in the 1980s when movies like Footloose and Dirty Dancing were constantly on TV? I got a kick out of the fact that a bunch of high school kids in Bozeman apparently had to "cut footloose" and head to Big Timber, Montana for the big school dance.
Average Teen Spends More Than $1000 On Prom
Average Teen Spends More Than $1000 On Prom
Average Teen Spends More Than $1000 On Prom
In an article released this morning by USA Today, the average teen spends $1078 on prom.  Dresses, hair appointments, limo's and flowers top the spending list.  Many speculated that this is because of teens' obsessions with reality tv and red carpet stars - and really want to shine on the red carpet...
Bozeman High School Prom Hoping To Cut Costs
Bozeman High School Prom Hoping To Cut Costs
Bozeman High School Prom Hoping To Cut Costs
High school prom can be an expensive affair. From the limosenes, to the dinner, to the flowers and the dress or tux, most high school students would have to save up for weeks if not months to have enough to fund this one night of fun. Members of Bozeman High School Nation Honors Society have a solution for keeping the prices in manageable.