Thankfully, the initial reports of the young man's injuries turned out to be incorrect. The 14 year old from Salt Lake City suffered only a sprained wrist.
Sunday had decent weather and was a great day to enjoy area trails such as Drinking Horse. Although no trauma occurred, a man fell down after losing consciousness and was taken to Bozeman Deaconess.
You don't have to hike a technically difficult trail to get hurt. A broken wrist while hiking on Drinking Horse trail became serious and required a rescue.
photo credit: AMagill via photopin ccThe Lacey Fire Department was called to a house fire where the family was able to make it out safely but there was still more life inside - baby hamsters. Being the true heroes they are each and every day, the firefighters resorted to the Pet Emergency Pocket Guide and fashioned a tiny oxygen mask to save the hamsters. HOW. CUTE. IS THIS?!?
You can’t get much more heroic than rescuing school children from a burning bus. Which is why public school officials and firefighters in Charlotte, North Carolina are raving about school bus driver Lindora Richardson, whose calm in the face of potential catastrophe may have saved the lives of the six children on her bus last Wednesday afternoon.