
Not Rich By Age 35? Here's Why:
Not Rich By Age 35? Here's Why:
Not Rich By Age 35? Here's Why:
Have you ever Googled where to find an item to buy and up pops Alibaba.com? The website is legit and the CEO is a billionaire. It hasn't always been that way - back when he was an English teacher developing this website from his home. He believes anyone can be rich and offers "go big or go home" advice.
Thoughts Of A Pumpkin Spice Latte Drinker
Thoughts Of A Pumpkin Spice Latte Drinker
Thoughts Of A Pumpkin Spice Latte Drinker
A list of "10 Basic Thoughts That Go Through A Girl's Mind While Drinking A PSL" was released. It TOTALLY makes us sound like airheads. The problem: I think some of these thoughts. Dang it! If you're a pumpkin lover, see if you're in this group or add your own.
Dad Quits $100 Million Job For Daughter
Dad Quits $100 Million Job For Daughter
Dad Quits $100 Million Job For Daughter
After receiving a hand-written note from his 10-year old daughter listing the 22 milestones he'd missed so far that year, this dad said goodbye to his $100 million job. Yes, you read that right. Would you walk away?
Are You Just Like Your Mom?
Are You Just Like Your Mom?
Are You Just Like Your Mom?
Do you find yourself saying exactly what your mom said to you so many years ago? "Don't make me pull this car over!" "Because I said so, that's why." How similar are the two of you? Here's a quiz.
Bartender Receives $1,000 Tip From Generous Customer
Bartender Receives $1,000 Tip From Generous Customer
Bartender Receives $1,000 Tip From Generous Customer
It wasn't a mistake. When Chrisi looked at the completed receipt from a first-time customer and noticed that he had added $1,000 to the total bill of $14.01, she assumed something was wrong. She asked why. His answer was very unexpected.
His Team = His Personality
His Team = His Personality
His Team = His Personality
How well do you really know your significant other? Here's a (non) scientific way to determine if you're with the right person. It all depends on who his favorite NFL team is.
Whoops! First iPhone 6 Owner Drops It On The Ground
Whoops! First iPhone 6 Owner Drops It On The Ground
Whoops! First iPhone 6 Owner Drops It On The Ground
There he is! The very first person to walk out of the Apple store with the new iPhone 6! The news reporter walks up to him for a quick interview and to see the phone. The poor guy is so nervous (and probably excited) that he flings the phone right out of the box! Watch here:
Drink Your Girl Scout Cookie
Drink Your Girl Scout Cookie
Drink Your Girl Scout Cookie
It's like having milk and Girl Scout cookies with zero effort. Nesquick has combined our favorite Girl Scout cookie flavors into one milky drink. Thin Mint milk, anyone? See them here:

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