Several businesses are struggling to find folks to work. It's not only a problem here in Bozeman and Montana, but all over the United States. Why? Why is it so hard to find people to work, especially when employers are offering really good starting wages?
The Index of State Economic Momentum ranks states based on their most recent performance on three key measures of economic vitality: personal income growth, employment growth, and population growth.
Governor Steve Bullock announced that Montana’s unemployment rate increased 0.1 percentage points to 3.4% in October, driven by over 850 new workers entering the labor market.
HELENA, Mont. (AP) - Montana's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 5.7 percent in December, a rate the state hasn't seen in nearly four years.
The dismal state of the economy has been rough on everyone, but perhaps no more so than on those between 16 and 29. Whereas the US unemployment rate currently stands at 8.3 percent, more than half of young people under 30 are out of work.