A young cancer patient has turned his battle with leukemia into a heartfelt, inspirational video. Published to YouTube over the weekend, this moving tribute to young people fighting cancer has gone already gone viral with more than 250,000 views.

22-year-old cancer patient Chris Rumble spent last Saturday filming patients, doctors and nurses on the hematology/oncology unit at Seattle Children’s Hospital, creating a stirring video set to Kelly Clarkson’s anthem ‘Stronger.’

“It was kind of like a party,” said Rumble, who filmed the video in a day. “It wasn’t a typical day at all.”

In the clip, patients lip sync to Clarkson’s song and hold signs reading “Fighter” and “Hope.” Rumble himself appears singing and wearing an orange t-shirt.

Clarkson herself reportedly saw the video and tweeted the following:

Kelly Clarkson Twitter

Fortunately for Rumble, who plans to attend Canisius College in Buffalo, NY, on a hockey scholarship, his prognosis is good. Doctors told him that he suffers from an immature form of leukemia that should respond well to chemotherapy. On Friday, he learns whether his cancer has gone into remission. We’re rooting for you, Chris!

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