
In Line Already?
In Line Already?
In Line Already?
If you take a quick look at the calendar, you'll notice that Thanksgiving is still over two weeks away, yet that hasn't stopped two California women from lining up for Best Buy's Thanksgiving Day sale.
Turkeys Sure Are Pretty Cool [VIDEO]
Turkey Day, Thanksgiving, is only a couple days away. How much turkey will you eat before falling asleep on the couch? Before you eat your first bite, soak in these facts about turkeys and be the life of your Turkey Day dinner. Did you know Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird?
Drifting Snow Causing Havoc In Livingston
Drifting Snow Causing Havoc In Livingston
Drifting Snow Causing Havoc In Livingston
Livingston is still digging out after the Holiday! LIVINGSTON - Sounds of frustration were heard all over town Friday as residents struggled to clear the growing number of snowdrifts on sidewalks, driveways and city streets created by a two-day ground blizzard.
Discovery Ski Area
Discovery Ski Area
Discovery Ski Area
This past September I agreed to run my very first 5K to benefit Haven, the local Woman's shelter.  Now let me start of by saying, I am a horrible runner.  I always have been!  Remember back in elementary school when you had to run a mile...