Dog Breeds that Can Withstand Montana Winters
So here we go again with extreme dips in the forecast. Within a day, temperatures in Montana plummeted from 30 degrees to -17 below. You know the drill while enduring these conditions; use good common sense to keep warm. Not just for yourself but for any pets you own, especially if they are not "built" to withstand colder weather conditions. I can tell you my dog, Rocko, isn't "built" for it. He's part Kelpie; a breed that originated in Australia, and part Labrador Retriever; developed in the United Kingdom from fishing dogs that originated in Newfoundland. (continued...)
The way Rocko behaves after being outside for a short period in the cold indicates that his Kelpie "down under" side is more prominent than his Canadian side. What was interesting to me while briefly taking Rocko for a walk this morning was how two neighborhood dogs we encountered along the way didn't seem one bit bothered or fazed by the extreme cold weather. They were clearly huskies of some kind who relaxingly laid in the snow like it was no big deal. While on the contrary, Rocko started to act like his paws were hurting and ready to fall off. This was a clear indication that it was way too cold for him to be out in the elements, so we high-tailed it to the house. (more "dog talk" below...)
Out of curiosity from that walk, I began to look up information on dogs that can withstand cold weather. On a list derived by Outside Online, Alaskan Malamutes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Siberian Huskies ranked high, but not a Kelpie as expected. See the cold-baring canines for yourself right here: -> COLD DOG BREEDS. Maybe you already own one of the breeds listed that are accustomed to enduring Montana winters. If so, throw that bad *ss dog an extra treat for me. But, no matter how much your dog can handle cold conditions, always have a balance and know when to bring them indoors. already knew that, though!