It’s not every day here at ScreenCrush that we get an email about LEGO porn. But it happened last week.

A publicity letter from Woodland Hills, California that landed in our inbox on February 8 announced the debut of Barely LEGO: The LEGO Movie XXX Parody. We can’t print the film’s plot description without the entire staff getting fired, but apparently it involves a LEGO named “Rammit” who posses the, uh “Penis of Resistance.” and now he and another character with a name that is not family-website-appropriate must “go Fifty Shades of Yellow before it is too late!”


This whole thing is deeply troubling, but not unique in the slightest. In the world of porn — and in the sub-world of porn parodies, which we’ve explored several times before — there’s a whole sub-sub-world of parodies based on beloved kids’ television shows and movies. Here are just ten of the most shocking examples guaranteed to ruin your childhood memories.

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