Make sure elderly friends and family members know about this all-too-frequent scam call. They often fall victim to these frustrating, false conversations.

The best thing to do with any sort of suspicious call is to simply hang up and DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY QUESTIONS.

According to the official Press Release from the Gallatin County Sheriff's Office:

The Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office has received numerous calls about a scam involving callers stating they are from NorthWestern Energy.

  • The caller states that they are calling about a delinquent account and if the account is not brought up to date immediately, they will shut off the power.
  • The caller will ask for the person’s credit card information.
  • When the person gives them their credit card information, they will tell the person that the credit card comes back as declined.
  • Once this occurs they instruct the person to go and purchase a prepaid Visa card.
  • These scammers are aggressive, convincing, and persistent. This is a scam.
  • Do not give them any information. Hang up the phone and do not respond in any way.
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