When people are looking for advice online before they move to Montana, most Montanans aren't known for their pleasant and helpful tidbits of wisdom. Before anyone helpful can chime in, there has usually been a torrent of snarky and unhelpful comments made.
I've never been so unhappy or in so much pain in my entire life, and I've had a few gnarly injuries. Sciatic nerve pain is new to me, but it had taken over my entire recent life and I'll do anything to never have it again.
It's not just about having a knack for choosing less busy days in Yellowstone National Park. There are rules involved and permits to get if you'd like to do some backcountry camping in the first national park for all to enjoy.
We talk a lot about winter driving in Montana, but I'd argue that springtime can be the most sketchy with the most dramatic road conditions. Two things instantly come to mind: more wildlife and potholes.
Bozeman is a lovely town and all, but it's certainly not the cheapest place to get stranded when you're faced with terrible road conditions and nasty weather. Travelers that were looking for some guidance online got more than advice - they got apologies.
Bullying in Montana schools is not new but the problem is getting worse. Parents are desperately seeking guidance on what to do when their child is being bullied since "normal channels" don't seem to be working.