Kids are being refused breakfast (and lunch) at school for an overdue lunch account. The kids have no control over the cause or the solution yet they are suffering the consequences.
The most recent story comes from Pocatello, Idaho but this isn't the only case by a long shot.
Last year, the district had to cover over $17,000 in unpaid lunches. While that is a hefty bill, perhaps putting our heads together and figuring out a solution that will still allow our children to eat as well as having that food paid for in another way is an idea. There are several districts that have an angel fund that is drawn from each time a lunch isn't paid for. The notices are still sent home in hopes of recouping the lunch fee but it's not a loss if the money doesn't ever make it into the district's account. There's also the idea of fundraising for that actual cause (which several school districts also do).
In my opinion, sending a child home without a full meal is unacceptable. The nutrients in the meals provided are crucial for brain function and a healthy body. Children are not responsible for the funds that pay for their school breakfasts or lunches. Several go home on the weekend to no food at all. This is where we, as a community, get together and take care of those who are going without.
Whew, I got myself on a soapbox right there, didn't I?
I said I wouldn't voice my opinion but it looks like I sure did. Please allow me to stop writing and let you chime in.
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