Governor Bullock Details Phase Two of Reopening For Montana
In a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Montana Governor Steve Bullock announced that phase two of reopening the state would begin on June 1.
Bullock also announced that Montana's 14-day quarantine on out-of-state visitors will be removed on June 1.
In addition to the announcement of Phase Two, Bullock has been working with Yellowstone National Park to open Montana entrance gates on June 1.
In consultation with public health and emergency response officials, Governor Bullock outlined the following indicators which allow Montana to move into Phase Two beginning on June 1:
- A downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period.
- The current ability to contact and trace, along with plans to add additional contact tracers to the existing workforce.
- Ensuring that health care workers have the supplies they need to treat COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients.
- Ramping up testing capacity to eventually meet a target of 60,000 tests a month and prioritizing testing for vulnerable Montanans and tribal communities. A total of 5,600 tests were conducted last week. Increased testing continues with sentinel testing efforts in nursing homes and assisting living facilities, testing events in tribal areas, and drive through testing being conducted at a few sites.
Under Phase Two, effective June 1, avoid gatherings in groups of more than 50 people in circumstances that do not readily allow for appropriate physical distancing. Groups larger than 50 people should be cancelled unless physical distancing can be maintained. It is recommended to continue to social distance in gatherings of any size.
To read the entire press release from Governor Steve Bullock, click here.
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