Keep Montana Green Winners Announced
Every year students across Montana participate in an art contest to promote the mission statement of Keep Montana Green and preventing human caused wildfires. The winners for 2015 have just been announced.
The mission of Keep Montana Green:
Keep Montana Green is dedicated to the prevention of human-caused wildfires. Keep Montana Green promotes awareness about the dangers human caused wildfires can have on Montana's timber, rangelands, the wildland urban interface and human safety.
Public education, outreach and raising awareness to adults and children is a key part of our mission. Yearly educational campaigns are developed and broadcast across Montana.
The contest theme this year was, “Think Before You Burn,” making reference to the fact that many human-started wildfires are caused by escaped agricultural or debris burning.
The 2015 Winners:
All Division Statewide Winner – Moa Winninge, Jefferson High School, 12th grade, Boulder
Primary Division, K – 3rd grades
1st place – Makayla Amestoy, Graff Elementary, 3rd grade, Laurel
2nd place – Makenna Rawson, West Elementary, 2nd grade, Laurel
3rd place – Selah Heinzeh, West Glacier Elementary; 2nd grade, West Glacier
Honorable Mentions – BJ Bauer and Cooper McNally
Intermediate Division, 4th - 6th grades
1st place – Elaine Atkinson, Atkinson Home School, 6th grade, Billings
2nd place – Kaiya Graves, Graff Elementary School, 4th grade, Laurel
3rd place – Brooke Alder, Charlo Middle School, 6th grade, Charlo
Honorable Mentions – Rylan Signalness and Ace Becker
Junior Division, 7th - 9th grades
1st place – Savonnah Anderson, Plains High School, 9th grade, Plains
2nd place – Autumn Garrard, Victor Middle School, 8th grade, Victor
3rd place – Canden Bakich, Elder Grove School, 8th grade, Billings
Honorable Mentions – Ilanna Chaney, Dakota Irvine, Savannah Day Chief, Abby Germaux, Bryer Lee Perry, Kelli Cahill and Ryan Battles
Senior Division, 10th - 12th grades
1st place – Chelysa Owens-Cyr, Wolf Point High School, 10th grade, Wolf Point
2rd place – Eric Denny, Heart Butte High School, 12th grade, Heart Butte
3rd place - Michaela French, Forsyth High School, 11th grade, Forsyth
Computer Generated Division, K - 12th grades
1st place – Marissa Barnes, Columbia Falls High School, 12th grade, Columbia Falls
2nd place – Cole Johnson, Columbia Falls High School, 12th grade, Columbia Falls
3rd place – Franchesca Royer-Obert, Hobson School, 12th grade, Hobson
Honorable Mentions – Haden Hammontree, Morgan Wertheimer and Parker Campbell
Special Education Division, K - 6th grades
1st place – Audrey Mintz, Grandey School, 4th grade, Terry
2nd place – Brayden Edstrom, West Elementary, 2nd grade, Laurel
3rd place – Leah Lilley, Graff Elementary, 3rd grade, Laurel
Special Education Division, 7th - 12th grades
1st place – Conner Petroff, Washington Middle School, 7th grade, Miles City
2nd place – Sabrina Cox, Washington Middle School, 8th grade, Miles City
3rd place – Hannah Gowin, Washington Middle School, 8th grade, Miles City
Statewide Competition Prize Money
- Statewide Winner—$125
- 1st Place Division Winner—$100
- 2nd Place Division Winner—$75
- 3rd Place Division Winner—$50
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