If you're looking for some volunteer hours without a long term commitment, there's a great opportunity this month to read to area kids with Leap into Literacy.

Here is the official invitation from Cassie McCann, the organizer of the event:

Dear Esteemed Community Members,

My name is Cassie McCann and I am an officer in our local chapter, Pi Chi, of Kappa Delta Pi, the international education honor society at Montana State University.

As part of KDP, I am involved in several outreach projects in Bozeman and Belgrade schools. Our upcoming service project is “Leap into Literacy” on February 29th!

During the event, children who attend Heck Quaw Elementary School can earn "Bobcat Bucks" by reading to MSU Bobcats or by playing literacy games with volunteers.

With the Bobcat Bucks students can purchase items at the school's book fair. This will be the culminating event for I Love to Read Month at the elementary school.

As a build up to the final event on Monday night, we are seeking volunteers to read to classes in the library at Heck-Quaw Elementary February 22nd-26th.

The librarian will have a book for you to read to the students or you may bring your favorite picture book to share with them.

While visiting the school, you are encouraged to talk to the students about your role in the community, in addition to sharing your picture book.

Below is a link to a signup form complete with times, location and further details on the event:

Harry Potter Books
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