Tomorrow will be one interesting night from local elections to the national elections and thanks to MSU we can make sense of it all.

Montana State University announced that their Department of Pollical Science will be hosting a webcast starting at 7 PM and going to 11 PM talking in detail about the local, state and national elections and their results.

Townsquare Media Bozeman
Townsquare Media Bozeman

2020 not only has been one of the weirdest years ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic but Montana faces many big state elections from races for Governor, U.S. State Senator and U.S. House of Representative and they are all extremely close races. Plus, that doesn't include the big state issues on the ballot including the possibility of legalizing marijuana in Montana. If legalized we would be the 12th state to have done this.

One of the coolest parts of the webcast is that not only will the staff be hosting and discussing the results but the whole broadcast will be staffed and put on by the students of Montana State University. Students will also be participating in the broadcast with their opinions on the races and the results as well.

This will probably one of the best places to learn the results and have nice, clear analysis on what is going on from the local to state to national level with all the elections. There are so many races to deal with maybe just sitting back and letting the best people on Montana State University help us with what is going on.

If you want to see the webcast, go to PBS Montana's YouTube.

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