Name Released Of Woman Who Led Bozeman Police On High-Speed Chase (VIDEO)
Yesterday afternoon (April 24th) a woman led the Police on a high-speed car chase from a Bank, through Four Corners, Into the Gallatin Canyon and then back to Four Corners before she was finally stopped by crashing into the ditch after running over stop sticks laid in the road at the intersection of Gooch Hill and Huffine Lane.
27 year-old Brandi Hodgin of Billings is charged with two counts of criminal endangerment, one count of forgery and one count of theft by possession of stolen property. She will be in court this morning to answer to the charges.
The incident started early Wednesday, with the report of a checkbook being stolen. Hodgin then allegedly wrote checks from the stolen account, and a bank notified authorities. When officers arrived at the bank to investigate, the suspect fled the scene which led to the car chase.