New COVID-19 Cases Continue to Surge in Gallatin County
New cases of COVID-19 are on the rise throughout the state of Montana. According to new statistics released by the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, the state added 1,063 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 27 deaths on Friday, October 30.
In Gallatin County, 138 new confirmed cases were reported on Friday morning, according to local numbers released by the Gallatin City-County Health Department. The new cases break a single day record for new cases of COVID-19 in Gallatin County, and marks the second day in which more than 100 new cases were reported.
In addition to a spike in new cases, hospitalizations have increased as well. According to the Gallatin City-County Health Department, there are 15 people hospitalized due to COVID-19. Most of the new cases reported are people between the ages of 20-29.
On Thursday, October 29, a seventh death from COVID-19 was reported in Gallatin County. The person was a woman in her 80s who passed away at a hospital last week.
Here are a few COVID-19 statistics from Gallatin County. The information below was provided by the Gallatin City-County Health Department and is current as of October 30, 2020:
Total Active Cases: 594
Total Recovered: 2,738
Total Deaths:7
Total Cases: 3,339
The Gallatin City-County Health Department has some guidance for reducing the spread of COVID-19 if you plan on celebrating Halloween.
In a crowded setting you are at risk for getting COVID-19 and spreading it to others. Participating in large Halloween parties increases your likelihood of contracting and spreading the virus within your social circles. This puts yourself and those around you in danger of serious illness. Please consider removing yourself from the COVID-19 equation by avoiding unnecessary exposure this Halloween.
For more information on COVID-19 in Gallatin County, click here.
LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years
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