Clear your home of unused or expired drugs this Saturday at the Law & Justice Center without getting out of your car!

Prescription drug abuse is reported on daily but accidental poisoning happens ALL the time. Among children under age 6, pharmaceuticals account for about 40% of all exposures reported to poison centers, according to the CDC.

According to the Montana Department of Justice, prescription drug abuse contributes to the deaths of more than 300 Montanans each year, making prescription drug abuse more deadly than methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine combined.  Please do your part in disposing of your unused or expired prescription drugs in a responsible manner.


On Saturday, September 27th from 10 am – 2 pm, the Community Coalition on Drug Awareness (, in partnership with Alcohol and Drug Services of Gallatin County, Bozeman Elk’s Lodge, Bozeman Noon Rotary, Gallatin County Court Services, Missouri River Drug Task Force and the Bozeman Police Department will be providing a free, safe, convenient and responsible means of disposing prescription drugs as part of the National Drug Take Back Day.

Drive up and drop off unused or expired medication at the Law & Justice Center, 615 South 16th Avenue, without even getting out of their car. They will not be accepting needles, aerosols or liquids.

If you have any questions about this drug take back event, please contact C-CODA at 406-581-6358.



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