President Barack Obama Visits ‘The Daily Show’
Barack Obama made an appearance on last night's 'The Daily Show' just 18 days before Election Day. What did the President have to say? Did he show his lighter side? Will he be able to convince you to vote for him?
Despite host Jon Stewart's comedic leanings, the 'Daily Show' interview was played mostly straight. Despite a quick mention of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and Vice President Joe Biden's physique, the President was grilled on legitimate concerns like the administration's response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya, the closing of Guantanamo Bay and the national debt. (What is also interesting is that how you usually never see the Secret Service, you can frequently see them lurking in the background of the 'Daily Show' set.)
Because he is Barack Obama, there were two interview segments on 'The Daily Show' last night and extended versions of each are available to watch now. Below you'll find Parts 1 and 2 of Stewart's interview with Obama.