
Firefighters Requesting Sweets
Firefighters Requesting Sweets
Firefighters Requesting Sweets
We all deal with the smokey skies, read the continuous news articles about more - and larger - fires in our area.  We have neighbors who have lost homes, we have local families who are displaced - where do we even start to help? Here's how.
New Fire Burning At Holter Lake
New Fire Burning At Holter Lake
New Fire Burning At Holter Lake
Lighting has ignited a new fire, this time at Holter Lake.  Officials are saying that about 300 acres has burned in the Black Beach Fire near Holter Lake. So far the fire is burning on the state-owned Beartooth Wildlife Management Area, along with Bureau of Land Management and private lands...
Apartment Fire On Michael Grove In Bozeman Tuesday [PHOTOS]
Apartment Fire On Michael Grove In Bozeman Tuesday [PHOTOS]
Apartment Fire On Michael Grove In Bozeman Tuesday [PHOTOS]
Tuesday evening a house fire burned the entire top floor of an apartment complex on Michael Grove in Bozeman. Details are still slim on the cause and the damages. I live just down the street from the building and I was able to snap a few photos of the damage.
Butte McDonald’s Fire Destroys Building
Butte McDonald’s Fire Destroys Building
Butte McDonald’s Fire Destroys Building
A fire that broke out the McDonald's on Harrison Ave. in Butte cause the employees and customers to evacuate. The fire is believed to be have started in the attic of the restaurant and spread quite quickly.
Bozeman Apartment Fire Still Under Investigation
Bozeman Apartment Fire Still Under Investigation
Bozeman Apartment Fire Still Under Investigation
The investigation continues into the Bozeman apartment fire on Tuesday that killed two residents. Montana Red Cross is working through the hours to help the 15 people now homeless from the tragedy. Montana Red Cross accepts donations as every dollar helps and 91 cents of each dollar goes directly to it's humanitarian services.