Billings-born artist Bud Luckey was the fifth animator hired by Pixar when the company was founded in the late 80s. His contribution to Toy Story likely helped make the movie franchise a phenomenal success.
Montana is no stranger to movies and television, but did you know that Glacier National Park plays a part in one of the most iconic movies of all time?
When it comes to movies, some of the most powerful are those that deal with sports. So which sports movies do Montanans rank as the very best? Here's the list.
Every great movie needs a great villain, so when it comes to Montanan's favorite villains, who made the list? Here are the Top 6 All Time Favorite Villains.
With summer here, it's time for summer blockbusters. However, for those looking for days gone by, Montana offers a couple of choices when it comes to these.