Summer is here and that means summer blockbusters and folks going to see movies. There is just something special about going to the movies and getting your favorite snacks, finding the perfect seat, and settling in to go on some grand adventure for a couple of hours.

My first memory of going to the movies was with my Dad. It was a long, long time ago in a state far, far away...

Yea, he took me to see Star Wars, but it wasn't just Star Wars, it was Star Wars at the Drive-In Theatre. First off, Star Wars at any theatre is awesome, but imagine Darth Vadar or Han Solo and the Millennium falcon on a massive screen. It was legendary.

It's been decades since I've been to a Drive-In Theatre. In fact, they're becoming harder and harder to find. What was once a normal part of social life, has become something that is special and nostalgic. At one point Drive-In Theatres were found in abundance all over the United States, today, there are only around 300 or so left.

Abandened drive in screen with sky and grass

So how many are left here in Montana?

It looks like we're down to two here in the Big Sky state. According to, we have the Silver Bow in Butte and the Pharaohplex in Corvalis. Both are up and running and have all the big summer movies. So, if you are looking for a fun date night, or you just want to do something a little unique, a drive-in movie might just be, and pardon the pun, the ticket you're looking for.

An vacant drive in movie theatre and its vintage speaker.

Plus, they are relatively cheap when compared to other movie theatres.

To see a movie at Silver Bow, will cost you 6 bucks per person, and kids 3 and under are free. If you heading to the Paraohplex adult tickets are 8 bucks, kids 3 to 10 will run you 7 dollars, and kids 2 and under are free.

Both theatres do have limited hours and are only open for a few months each year. For more information, check out

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Popular Child Stars From Every Year

Below, Stacker sifted through movie databases, film histories, celebrity biographies and digital archives to compile this list of popular pint-sized actors from 1919 through 2021.

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