We’ve still quite a ways to go before getting into the nitty-gritty of fall premieres, but NBC is joining the ranks with official schedules. Find out when Will & Grace, breakout hit This Is Us and The Good Place return, along with Law and Order and more.
SNL didn’t quite have its ducks in a row with the announcement that Hidden Figures star Octavia Spencer would lead the first March show; lacking a musical guest to accompany. Now, not only has NBC filled out the March 4 dance card, but so too will Scarlett Johannson make a return appearance the following week.
Just yesterday saw SNL springing into April with Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage’s first promos, and April looks even more regal. Not only will Julia Louis-Dreyfus return to SNL to host an April hour, so too will Russell Crowe making his hosting debut.
SNL bounced back nicely from Donald Trump this past weekend with The Hunger Games star Elizabeth Banks, looking even bigger this coming Saturday with Matthew McConaughey and Adele, but December 2015 will really go all out. Our final three hosts of the year include Ryan Gosling, Chris Hemsworth (poor Liam), and best of all, a dual Sisters hosting with SNL alum Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.
NBC seems to have re-welcomed Donald Trump to the airwaves with this past Friday’s Tonight Show, but The Celebrity Apprentice will be back with a new host all the same. Trump is officially terminated, now that Arnold Schwarzenegger will get behind the desk as the newest host of The Celebrity Apprentice.
NBC reality trek Running Wild With Bear Grylls has made headlines in recent months for bringing high-profile figures out into the wilderness, but the survival series may yet have its biggest name ever, and all for a cause. Barack Obama himself will join Grylls in the wilds of Alaska, exploring some of the climate change of the region.
The Age of Revivals spurred along by the likes of Netflix’s Fuller House or whatever NBC drags out of the dumpster next has many hopeful that Friends will finally get its oft-discussed reunion. Nope! Co-creator Marta Kauffman bluntly states “reunions suck,” at last putting an end to speculation.