Popular Grocery Store Cracking Down on Coupon Users in Montana
You can get almost anything at Walmart including groceries, electronics, and snow tires. That's one of the reasons that so many people shop at Walmart. It's convenient, and most major cities have a Walmart location.
Walmart is a discount grocery store and many people shop there to take advantage of the low prices and wide variety of products. The cost of groceries has increased substantially, and folks have been browsing weekly ads and clipping coupons in order to save a little money on their grocery bill. Unfortunately, a new Walmart policy is making it more difficult for people to use coupons at their stores across America.

That's right! If you regularly use coupons when you go grocery shopping at Walmart, we've got some bad news for you.
What is the New Coupon Policy at Walmart?
Walmart has long been considered a coupon-friendly retailer, and it had the same coupon policy for nearly six years. However, according to a new policy change, using coupons at Walmart could be a bit of a hassle going forward. The website Coupons in the News makes it easier to understand.
Walmart Will Still Accept the Following Coupons
- All paper coupons with a scannable GS1 barcode. (Coupons must be scanned at the register, as the GS1 on the coupon must validate to Walmart’s master file.)
- Only one paper manufacturer coupon per item for in-store purchases only.
Walmart has changed its overage policy. That means that you will no longer get cash back if the coupon used exceeds the value of the item you used it on. There's also a new limit of 4 identical coupons per household, per day.
Walmart has also put an end to overrides at the register. If your coupon isn't accepted when scanned at the register, the store employee will no longer be able to override it. Last but not least, Walmart will no longer accept digital coupons. (Coupons scanned off a mobile phone.)
Long story short, if the coupon you're trying to use doesn't scan at the register when you're checking out, you're out of luck. To read the new Walmart coupon policy, click here.
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