Bozeman High School Students March to Protest Betsy DeVos [WATCH]
This morning, I saw something on Facebook about a protest going on today at Bozeman High School to stand against the appointment of Betsy DeVos, who was recently confirmed as the Secretary of Education. As you may have heard, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding her appointment.
I decided to stop by Bozeman High School around noon to see what it was all about. When I arrived, there were already a few students on the steps of the main entrance of the school holding signs. Some of the signs said things like "Shame Steve Daines" or "Honk for Public Education." They had pre-made signs for people to hold during the proest. At one point, I was handed a sign that read "We Vote in 2020," which I handed to one of the protesters.
I spoke with a few of the organizers, and they were concerned that state representatives aren't representing them. Overall, around 30 people showed up to protest on the corner or 11th & Main during lunch hour.