Bozeman Residents Share Their Childhood Dream Jobs
When you're a child, you dream big. Some people wanted to be police officers or firefighters but never got to actually experience working their childhood dream job.
When I was young, I wanted to grow up to be a pilot. I was always fascinated by airplanes and helicopters. Due to having poor eyesight, I was never able to live that dream. I also used to listen to the radio all of the time and made a lot of mixtapes in my younger years, so maybe I was destined to be on the radio.
Last week, we asked our listeners what their job would be if they had followed their childhood dream, and we received a lot of great responses. Here's what some Bozeman residents said their dream jobs were when they were children.
- Cameron said he wanted to be an NBA player
- Jason had dreams of becoming a doctor or an MLB pitcher
- Heather had childhood dreams of a career in criminal profiling
- Doreen wanted to be a jockey.
- Becky wanted to be a realtor and interior designer
- Penny wanted to be a waitress
- Morgan wanted to be a National Geographic Photojournalist when she was younger
- Tara, Tammy, Brandi, and Ja Rae had dreams of becoming a Marine Biologist
- Michelle had dreams to be a Meteorologist
- Jennifer dreamed of being a stay at home mom
- Adding a little humor, Dan said he dreamed of being a male escort with a trust fund
Thanks to everyone that shared their childhood dream jobs with us, and we hope that you were able to live your dream.