Change Your Life, Bozeman: 140 CAP Mentors Desperately Needed
Area kids are clamoring for mentors in 2022, with over 140 more Child Advancement Project mentors still needed to fill the current deficit. It's the BEST HOUR PER WEEK you can spend, improving the life of local kids.
Being a CAP mentor is one of the easiest volunteer opportunities in the Gallatin Valley. The commitment is simply ONE HOUR per week and there's a lot of flexibility. It's a wonderful feeling to learn "the power of an hour". We've been CAP mentors for years and can't recommend the program enough.

THRIVE is the organization that runs the CAP mentor program and their crew is top-notch. They are so in-tune with the needs of our area kids.
What flexibility does being a CAP mentor offer? It's an hour a week commitment. You can choose what age child you'd prefer to work with, grades preK-12. (Mentors are needed for all ages.) You can also request which school you'd prefer to work with, making it as convenient for your schedule as possible. Volunteering happens during school hours...no nights or weekends.
CAP mentors are screened, trained and supervised by professional CAP Coordinators. It's a fantastic experience getting to know the coordinators for this program. They're smart, engaging and incredibly knowledgeable...helping YOU succeed as a mentor.
Mentoring is all about providing encouragement and support to our area kids. Some may need a little help with school. Some could use some extra one-on-one time with a responsible adult. Others just need a little support and encouragement. It's a win-win for everyone involved...including you.
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