Four People Rescued After Raft Flips in Gallatin River
On Tuesday, June 1 at 1:12 p.m., Gallatin County Dispatch received a call about four people rafting on the Gallatin River when their raft flipped near House Rock.
According to americanwhitewater.org, the House Rock section of the Gallatin is the whitewater staple for Bozeman area paddlers for much of the spring and summer.
Gallatin County Sheriff Search & Rescue said initial reports were that one person was on a rock and the other three people were trying to get back to the raft or shore.
According to a post on the Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue Facebook page, Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office deputies and Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue from Bozeman and Big Sky responded to the call.
The rafters were assisted by three kayakers that were close by. With help from the kayakers, they were able to get back in their raft and float down to the takeout location. Two other people that were in the raft had safely made it to shore and a motorist gave them a ride down to the take out. Other than being cold, no major injuries were reported. They all had life vests and helmets on.
Sheriff Springer would like to remind rafters and kayakers that the Gallatin River is reaching high runoff levels, is very cold and it is not the same river to float that it was a couple of weeks ago. If you go rafting, wear the proper safety gear, dress for the water temperature and know your limitations. Thank you to all the citizens who also helped keep this event from becoming more than a cold, wet and scary experience for the involved individuals.
The video below shows how dangerous the House Rock area of the Gallatin River can be when flows are high during the spring. Fast forward to the '2:00' mark to see rafters take on House Rock.
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