Jefferson River Ice Jams Prompt Flood Advisory
Ice jams are rearing their ugly heads near Three Forks, prompting a Flood Advisory until at least noon on Tuesday.
Minor flooding is forecasted for the area but ice jams are not to be messed with. They can grow in size very rapidly, causing a minor flood episode to become a much bigger deal in a matter of hours.
According to the National Weather Service:
- WHAT: A Flood Advisory has been issued due to ice jams in Northern Gallatin County and parts of south central Montana.
- This Advisory includes Southern Broadwater County, in southwestern Montana.
- WHEN: Until noon Tuesday.
- DETAILS OF THIS FLOOD ADVISORY: Gauge reports indicated an ice jam. Law
enforcement has reported the river channel is nearly full of ice and water levels near bank-full. Minor flooding is happening now or possible to begin shortly near Jefferson River near Three Forks. - WHERE: Some locations that may experience flooding include: Low lying areas west of Three Forks.
- The Jefferson River near Three Forks is the most likely place to experience minor flooding. Ice Jams are very unpredictable and depend on the temps. River levels may rise or fall quickly with little notice.
- Livestock, equipment or other items near the river should be moved to higher ground, but only if it's safe to move the items. (Waterlogged soil near the banks can be very soft and dangerous.)
- "Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads". Most flood related deaths actually happen in vehicles that enter water.
- Please report any flooding you encounter to your local emergency services or law enforcement agency and ask that they pass this information to the National Weather Service when you can do so safely. Sharing information is the most useful tool we have during a Flood Advisory.
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