Many longtime Bozeman residents have fond memories of businesses and restaurants that have sadly disappeared over the years.

Bozeman has changed a lot since its humble beginnings, but if you look hard enough, it's not hard to get a glimpse of its history.

10 Popular Bozeman Businesses That Have Closed Permanently

Recently, I spent several hours at the Gallatin History Museum to learn about Bozeman's history and places that people remember from the old Bozeman. I want to thank Charlotte, and all of the other ladies at the Gallatin History Museum for helping me with my research, and sharing personal stories of places that they remember around town.

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Learning about Bozeman's history and all that has changed throughout the years was truly fascinating. If you're ever looking for information about Bozeman or its history, the Gallatin History Museum is a great resource.

In total, I spent roughly 7 hours going through old Bozeman business directories and reading newspaper articles at the Gallatin History Museum. Some of the places that I learned about have been closed for over 50 years, but many of Bozeman's longtime residents still have fond memories of them.

Parade - Downtown Bozeman
Gallatin History Museum

In the picture above, you can see an arcade and bowling alley that was located next to the Ellen Theater in downtown Bozeman. The picture was taken in the late 40s-early 50s.

Depending on what decade you grew up in Bozeman, the memories that you have may differ. Honestly, it was really difficult to narrow down the list to only 10 places. If one of the places that you remember in Bozeman didn't make the list, I apologize.

I hope that you enjoy learning about all of these places as much as I did. If you have some spare time, do yourself a favor and stop by the Gallatin History Museum to learn about more of Bozeman's history.

"Old Bozeman" Residents Will Remember These 10 Popular Places

Ready to take a walk down memory lane? Here are 10 popular places that have disappeared in Bozeman throughout the years.

Gallery Credit: Jesse James

16 Unique and Iconic Business Signs You'll See in Bozeman

A sign can catch someone's eye if they are walking or driving around and help steer them to go into your place of business and spend money. Downtown Bozeman has some iconic signs that are not only eye-catching but gorgeous. Here are the best signs.

Gallery Credit: Will Gordon

10 Photos Of The Lowest-Priced Home For Sale In Bozeman

If you've been having trouble finding a place to live in Bozeman, check this place out!

Gallery Credit: Jesse James

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