Bullying in Montana schools is not new but the problem is getting worse. Parents are desperately seeking guidance on what to do when their child is being bullied since "normal channels" don't seem to be working.
If you're a parent, you've probably been there. You're out, your kid has a "blowout" and you're caught totally unprepared. Someone in Bozeman totally gets it. That's why she felt compelled to leave a care package at the Smith's grocery store to help other mamas stuck in the same situation.
When you become a new parent there are many new things to learn: how to change a diaper, how to exit the house successfully without forgetting anything, how to function on two hours of sleep.
For me, the car seat installation was an especially intimidating task. What if I didn't put it in right? What are all those straps for?
For those parents who are sick of reminding the kids to actually clean up after themselves or help out every once in awhile, this dad will be your new best friend - or, quite possibly, your hero. Frustrated with his kids leaving dishes around for him to clean up, he made a video introducing the teens to a dishwasher and explaining how the process works.
After receiving a hand-written note from his 10-year old daughter listing the 22 milestones he'd missed so far that year, this dad said goodbye to his $100 million job. Yes, you read that right. Would you walk away?
Not long ago, Gwyneth Paltrow had talked about how tough her life is and compared it to working moms saying her struggle was harder. That didn't go over well. Connie Britton, who plays Rayna James on 'Nashville' talks about life as a single mom and she would never compare what she does with anyone else.
At my house, manners are extremely important. This includes good behavior - especially in public. One day, I was at the end of my rope with my son. While he was in swim lessons, I had responded to his teacher about their class service project. That's when another mom had seen me on my phone and took that opportunity to discipline my son. I was that mom...on her cell phone.
Whoa! What on EARTH is happening here? Bravo debuted the docu-series "Extreme Guide to Parenting" and it's an awesome train wreck! I can't help but think that we all would look flawed on TV when it comes to parenting. Which one do you identify most with?