Last week, temperatures in much of Montana dropped well below zero degrees. In order to stay warm during the frigid temperatures, many Montanans decide to crank up the heat in their homes.

If you've lived in Bozeman for a long time, you may be somewhat used to the frigid cold temperatures. If you're new to Montana, you'll quickly learn the importance of putting on multiple layers of clothing when you're out in the cold.

Many Montana homes have a wood stove, which is a great way to battle the bitter cold temperatures. If you live in a home with a good quality wood stove, consider yourself lucky. There's honestly nothing better during the winter in Montana. However, a wood stove requires quite a bit of work. First, you need firewood. Fortunately, there are a lot of local companies in the Bozeman area that can help you out in that department. You also need a good axe to chop your firewood when needed. There's an old saying that goes;

Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice.

If you've ever chopped your own wood, you definitely understand that saying. While wood stoves will keep your home nice and warm, you have to keep adding wood and you don't have the ability to control the exact temperature.

Most homes in Bozeman have a furnace that allows you to control the temperature in your home. During the winter, especially in subzero temperatures, many Bozemanites crank up the heat in their homes, while others use blankets and layers of clothing to stay warm while keeping energy costs low. Some prefer to set the thermostat lower when they aren't home to save money. Personally, I keep my home at 67 degrees during the winter.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to vote in our poll and let us know how warm you keep your home during the winter in Bozeman. The results are below.

Poll Daddy
Poll Daddy

According to the results, the most ideal home temperature for Bozeman residents is 65-70 degrees. However, two people that responded to the poll prefer their home to be above 75 degrees.

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